Gas assist injection molding development from AEGIS...
Gas Assisted Injection Molding -
A specialized service by AEGIS is our preliminary review of gas assist molded part candidates for feasibility and recommended gas assist implementation method. This service eliminates the guesswork, helps avoid costly mistakes, and even helps to avoid gas assist molding methods where the concept was just not practical. Not every injection molded product can benefit from gas assist implementation - let us help you get it right the first time! If gas assist implementation will not achieve your objectives, we'll tell you that, too. There is no charge for this preliminary review.
- Current product gas assist implementation
This service is to convert a current molding program to gas assist processing. Precise and effective adaptation is critical for long term production with the widest manufacturing window. Our product analysis and implementation service provides explicit details for gas assist provisions in the molded product, with estimated gas assist processing parameters. Don't guess at this stage! Our recommendations are provided with a 99% rate of success - we don't guess, you shouldn't either.
- Gas assist tooling implementation
Gas assist tooling adaptation is just as critical as gas assist product design. Our service for mold conversion (usually concurrent with molded part design input) assures that your gas assist molding process will be effective at the first sampling. Gas injector assembly, gas/flow path in the tool and connections to the gas assist controller are included for the simplest and most repeatable process possible.
- In-plant gas assist startup support
Injection molders new to gas assist molding methods should use our process startup package that furnishes process development for a new or converted tool. During process startup support, we also train on process and system trouble shooting, and train all appropriate staff on molding variables that could result in product variation. The gas assist process portion of gas molding will be the most stable element of the overall process. We'll help you learn what to look for when your production yield changes!
- In-plant gas assist process development
Many molders have successfully molded with gas assist methods, some for as long as 15 years or more. Older processing methods are inefficient compared to newer methods, and new variations to the process may help to improve yield, cosmetics, and widen your manufacturing window. Do you have a gas assist program that does not live up to your original expectations - we can analyze the current process and provide detailed recommendations for process improvement. With AEGIS' PREP3 resin evacuation process, we can even guarantee Class A surfaces with up to 50% reinforcement in the resin.
- On-site gas assist training
Proper process implementation, tool adaptation and product conversion is critical, but simple. We can train your process setup staff, product and tool designers, and marketing people on the latest "best methods" for a wide processing window. Today's methods also put a gas assist molder in the position of being a "preferred supplier" to your customers. Our customized training programs simplify the details of gas assist molding, and help to bring new opportunities to your company for new business.
AEGIS works in partnership with the first, and still the leading gas assist system manufacturer in the industry. Click here to see our gas assist controller options, and the ONLY line of recertified process controllers in the industry.
Call AEGIS for more information: 757-271-9927
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